Guidelines for authors

I. Focus and Scope
International Investment LawJournal is an international, peer-reviewed, open access review (free for readers), which publishes original theoretical and empirical work on the law developed by the international organizations, the states through bilateral treaties and the international economic actors. This journalopens its pages to authors from different countries, from the legal education space and from the practitioners of law, encouraging the publication of critical analyzes of the evolution of international investment law. The scope of the journal is to create a platform for international legal debates, a bridge between legal scientists around the world. 

II. General requirements

  • The article must analyze a topical issue for juridical and administrative sciences.
  • The article must be original, representing the exclusive work of the author/authors.
  • The article must include the names of all authors, in the order of their contribution to the article.
  • The article has not been published before and has not been sent for evaluation to another journal.
  • The article must be submitted in English. The English language of the manuscript is strongly recommended to be checked by a specialist in the English language before submission.
  • Ideas and passages in the manuscript that do not belong to the author(s) must be assigned appropriately, through bibliographic references and the use of quotation marks.
  • In case of breach of copyright law/ in case of plagiarism, the entire responsibility rests with the author of the article.
  • The authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to include any images/artwork or documents/texts for which they do not hold copyright in their articles, or to adapt any such images/artwork or documents/texts for inclusion in their articles. The authors may not reproduce materials from unauthorized sources.
  • The article must include at least 10 doctrinal sources with the recommendation to have as many citations from journals and books included in the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus.
  • The author has the obligation to send together with the article an Assumption of Liability Declaration.
  • The authors have the obligation to include the DOI number in the articles and books cited, if it exists.


III. Article form requirements

1. Title of the article
The title is written in capital letters, Times New Roman 14, bold, centered, in English.

2. Author(s)
First and last name of the author(s) should be written Times New Roman 12 on the right, bold, double-space under the title, being preceded by academic rank and scientific title (if it is the case). The family name will be written in capital letters. The name will be followed by an indication of the main institutional affiliation (for each author separately, if it is the case) and e-mail, written in Times New Roman 12, bold, italic.

3. Abstract
The abstract will have 150-200 words and will be written in English, with Times New Roman 12, italic, justify, two lines under the author’s name. The abstract will include: objectives of the study, the research methods used, results and implications of the study.

4. Keywords
4-6 keywords that comprise the essence of the article have to be mentioned, in English, at 2 lines under the abstract, with Times New Roman 12, italic, justify.

5. JEL Classification
After keywords, please indicate framing of the article in one or more categories in JEL classification  (Division H for Public Economics, Division K for Law and Economics Literature).

6. Paper Body
Text of the article will be written in English. The text will be written in Times New Roman 12, justify, single line spacing. The articles submitted for publication in our journal cannot exceed 15 standard pages.
The article will be divided into sections, each with a heading. The introductory section will include identifying the problem investigated, novelty compared to existing doctrinal approaches, research structure, detailing research methods used, the solutions proposed. The article will then include sections related to the research and discussion of the analyzed topic from the perspective of comparative and international law. At the end of the article shall be inserted a section of conclusions with research results and ways to exploitation of the results.

7. Footnotes
The footnotes should use Times New Roman 9, justify, single line spacing. The footnotes will continue on the following pages and won’t start with no. 1 on each page. All quoted works and the jurisprudence should be mentioned only in footnotes. The citations will be made according to The Chicago Manual of Style. In the case of jurisprudence, the document’s name has to be mentioned, its number, the date of ruling/issuing, the issuing authority (court) and the publication where it is included (The Official Gazette, case law reports etc.).

8. Bibliography
A bibliographic list of the works used must be inserted at the end of the article. The list must include all doctrinal sources (books, articles) found in the footnotes throughout the article. The bibliographic list cannot include other doctrinal sources than those used in the article and found in the footnotes. The bibliographic list must include at least 10 doctrinal sources with the recommendation to have as many citations from journals and books included in the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus.
The indication of the works in the bibliographic list will be done according to The Chicago Manual of Style.
The titles of the works in the bibliographic list will be indicated in the language in which they were published and translated into English in square brackets [ ].

9. Page layout
The paper has to be written using A4 format (margins: top/bottom/left/right 2 cm). The pages will be numbered with Arabic numbers continuously, from first to last page.


IV. File with links to bibliographic sources
Authors will provide a separate word file from the article that will include the links for all bibliographic sources used in the article.


V. The exclusive responsibility of the authors for the content of articles
Articles must be original and may not have been published in other journals. The authors are required to follow the copyright legislation and to avoid completely any form of plagiarism. In case of breach of copyright law and in the case of plagiarism, the entire responsibility rests with the author of the article. The editorial board of "International Investment Law Journal" does not assume any liability for infringement by the authors of the regulations included in copyright legislation and the achievement of plagiarism. Also, the editorial board of "International Investment Law Journal" is exempted from any liability regarding the author’s points of view included in the published articles. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain any authorization relative to duplication and copyright relative to texts that are quoted and duplicated in their text.


VI. The selection of articles using the “double blind” peer review process
The articles published in the "International Investment Law Journal" will be revised using the "peer review" system, respecting international standards of scientific journals. Thus, any article submitted for publication will be reviewed by three specialists with a national and international reputation in legal sciences. Review will be done on an anonymous basis (author's name is not communicated to the reviewers; reviewers name is not communicated to the author). If necessary, the authors will receive recommendations and observations to improve the quality of their paper's content. It is possible to refuse publication of the article to the proposal made by reviewers.

VII. Article Processing Charge (APC)
Authors pay a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) of 250 Eur per article accepted for publication to cover the costs of editing, administration of the double blind peer review system and dissemination in international databases and catalogs.

The journal does not charge any other fees (fees for submitting articles, for evaluation, for rejected articles, or fees based on the length of the article, the inclusion of figures, tables, or additional data).

VIII. Combating and preventing plagiarism
The articles are checked to combat and prevent plagiarism with software:


IX. Ethics and malpractice statement for International Investment Law Journal
The rights and responsibilities of authors are presented in Ethics and Malpractice Statement for International Investment Law Journal


X. Open Access Policy
This is an open access journal in on-line version which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, but subject to the following conditions:
• is mentioned the name(s) of the author(s), article title, that article is published in "International Investment LawJournal" and indicate page/pages cited of the journal;
• exactly reproduction of the material when it is quoted, used, discussed or multiplied;
• the copyright of the author(s) may not be infringed in any way.


"International Investment LawJournal" is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License


XI. Mailing address
The article accompanied by the Assumption of Liability Declaration completed by each author and by File with links to bibliographic sources will be sent in electronic format to: office[at]


The Journal

ISSN 2734-8830
ISSN–L 2734-8830
Assumption of Liability Declaration

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